Please feel free to contact me with any order or product queries. We will endeavour to reply promptly, office hours are Monday to Thursday. We post orders Tuesday to Thursday.
We are currently receiving lots of messages from people who it transpires have bought a counterfeit copy of The Granny Square Card Deck. If you have a deck in which the booklet is illegible, the quality of printing of cards is unclear, or you cannot find a design/card you have seen advertised, please check that you have purchased the original deck which should have the ISBN 9781800922297 printed on the box, along with the publishers name Search Press. Alternatively, you can check out the instagram post comparing a counterfeit deck with the original here:
ClaireMontyKnits Instagram.
If it looks like you have bought a counterfeit please do try to obtain a refund from the seller or at least report the listing as a fake to try to persuade them to desist. Thank you!
We are currently receiving lots of messages from people who it transpires have bought a counterfeit copy of The Granny Square Card Deck. If you have a deck in which the booklet is illegible, the quality of printing of cards is unclear, or you cannot find a design/card you have seen advertised, please check that you have purchased the original deck which should have the ISBN 9781800922297 printed on the box, along with the publishers name Search Press. Alternatively, you can check out the instagram post comparing a counterfeit deck with the original here:
ClaireMontyKnits Instagram.
If it looks like you have bought a counterfeit please do try to obtain a refund from the seller or at least report the listing as a fake to try to persuade them to desist. Thank you!